Thursday, September 17, 2009

Owen, Two Years Ago

Notes I took at a Kevin Devine concert two years ago. Opening acts were Andy Hull of Manchester Orchestra and Owen.

Here are my notes about Owen.

I hate him. He’s wearing the same shirt as the last time I saw him a year ago. “I don’t care how you do or don’t your hair. You’re ugly on the inside.” 5th grade? He talked about Dennis Kucinich. But I cannot deny that he has talent and his confidence does him good there. The picking was more well-refined than Hull and his voice seemed more natural and had more flow. As much as I think he’s a cocky, immature little bastard, his show was significantly better than the last time I saw him. I felt at points like I was getting a lecture from my 1st grade teacher about important qualities to look for in friends, how to deal with hurt. It’s like Toy Story with a solid acoustic soundtrack. Guitar was layered like a harp at points. He might be really good in Rent or some musical where you have to tell a story. Jonathan Larson? School of Rock. His lyrics are targeted to 1st graders who drink beer and have sex. Harp-like sessions – could meander through the forest or prance through meadows.

Yup, my notes are not cohesive. And yup, as much as it disappoints my friends, I'm not exactly an Owen fan. Sorry dude. I still admire you... or somethin'.

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