I never find any music I like in the stuff publicists send over, but today was, like I said, a good day.
They sent me Cloud Nothings. Cloud Nothings is a band from Cleveland.
I'm finding a trend in my music appreciation lately and that trend is as follows: I am attracted to music that retains a melody amongst a fuzz of messy, floppy fuzz. The more corporatized I find my life - the more I'm sucked into the cluster of business meetings and long hours in the office and sleazy salesmen (yes, most of the sleazes are, in fact, men - i'm not really overgeneralizing here. but i guess a few i've encountered are women) and rules and health insurance policies and finances.... you get the point... the more I find myself searching for something so primal and untouched by the Man.
All I want to listen to is Japandroids, Jay Reatard, Wavves, Best Coast, and, now, Cloud Nothings. I don't even have to think when I hear these bands, but instead, I haze over and pretend that I'm not a Type A personality freak who is insanely and passionately paralyzed by my own continuous failure.
I mean, I am a perfectionist freak, but sometimes I let myself lie on the carpet in my room, and I listen to a song like "Hey Cool Kid" on repeat. I let the simplicity vibrate through my ears and my entire body. I feel the power of this 18 year old's vocals in the fact that he's actually NOT exuding power; rather, he's letting the song drive his voice forward in an unassuming way.
Listening to the song, I fantasize about having the kind of life I used to have - one where I didn't walk around with my bruised pride like a scarlet letter, hindering me from confidence. Cloud Nothings let me become that person I used to be, and that I will be again.
Cloud Nothings - Hey Cool Kid
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